Thursday, September 25, 2008

Try not to ask WHY?

I needed to post this because the last few items have been so depressing.
   The other night tony walked across the street to this tiny, little store to get some sugar.  He noticed that the alcohol was covered with a sheet, and this was unusual.  So he ask the woman why it was covered, and her reply was OH, in the Bayan Zurk district (where we live) we can't sell alcohol on the 20th of the month, but if you want some, I will sell it to you!  
     I really try to not ask why, because you never get a real, logical answer, but hey, if they can cut out one more drunk for a day, more power to them!

Got Milk? Tainted milk that is....

The milk that we have been drinking for the past 6 months has been withdrawn this week because it has been proven to be tainted with Melamine.   Melamine is used in the making of plastics and is high in nitrogen, which registers as protein in tests of milk.  Though health experts believe that ingesting small amounts poses no danger, melamine can cause kidney stones. " Some farmers who sell milk to Chinese food companies are thought to have used melamine to disguise watered-down milk and fatten profit margins hurt by rising costs for feed, fuel and labor.", so says the UB Post. 
   SO we dumped out what we had at home, and we are just prying that none of us get sick from the milk we have been drinking. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

Amdermaa Update

Two weeks ago we bought tickets for Amdermaa and another Mongolian/Chinese woman to go to Beijing to get the tests done that can't be done in Mongolia.  They came back 2 days late and we never did hear from them until this week.  Amdermaa's mother called and said " We got the wrong tests done, you are going to have to buy us more tickets so we can go again"  It turns out that she never gave Amdermaa the name of the test she needed, nor did she give her the MRI films to take with her.  Amdermaa went to beijing and had the very same tests done that she had had done here!  Pure frustration!  We told the mother over and over what needed to be done, and she basically threw it back in our faces.  She told Tony, well I guess I will have to take care of it now.  It just sickens me that we truly want to help these people, but how can you help those who won't even help themselves?  What more can we Do?????